West of East

Catalogue Design for "It's all, oh so souvenir to me!" platform

West of East

About the project

Catalogue Design for It's all, oh so souvenir to me! platform.

About the platform
The designers’ platform It’s all, oh so souvenir to me!, brings under the same umbrella the interpretations of over 60 Greek designers to the question: “What would Greece be, if it were a souvenir”.

The result portrays a line of objects with different utilitarian value, materials, ideas and concepts, all with a focus on Greece.

Different views, backgrounds, experiences and perspectives come together in an attempt to redefine the design and meaning of the traditional Greek souvenir!
The designers use their own design “language”, their own means of expression and Greek materials, in order to create the Greek souvenir. They are inspired by Greece and by the different social, political and cultural issues that they consider to define the new, modern Greek identity and image.

As the exhibition “It’s all, oh so souvenir to me!” evolves, it takes up the form of an active designers’ platform which is being transformed, enriched and keeps on changing with the addition of both new products and new designers.

Project Files

  • West of East
  • West of East
  • West of East
  • West of East
  • West of East
  • West of East
  • West of East
  • West of East
  • West of East
  • West of East
  • West of East

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